Subject: How grind culture can damage your writing


If you're in business you already understand the emphasis on grind culture.

Work 18 hour days. Sleep for 4 hours. Only focus on your goals.

Now it's true that you'll never achieve anything if you don't work for it.

But you do yourself a disservice by working too much.

I learnt this early on as a copywriter.

I was working 12 to 16 hours a day.

When I wasn't working I was thinking about work.

The result?

I burnt out pretty quick.

I also noticed that the quality of my writing had gone downhill.

I was writing a lot but the writing itself was poor.


Because I wasn't giving myself time to be creative.

I was trying to get as much written as I could in as little time as possible.

The complete opposite of what a good copywriter does.

Once I reflected on this I decided to change my routine.

Today I only write for around 4 hours a day.

The rest of my day is built around habits that support my writing.

Reading. Studying. Gym. Jiu-Jitsu. Networking.

Now my writing is always improving and I enjoy the process.

As a whole, life is a lot better.

I'm happier, healthier and more successful than ever before.

This weeks challenge will help you understand how I did just that.

It's something I now do once a month to optimise my routine.


Take 20 minutes to reflect on your routine.

Write down what you do on an average day.

What serves you? What's holding you back? Are you working too much or too little?

Monthly sessions like these can do wonders for your productivity.

Test it out and see what kind of results you get.

Have a great week.

Keep winning,

Copy Mav

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