Subject: How a walking holiday changed my approach to business

Who knew a walking could be so productive?


I used to think that walking holidays were for old people.

And honestly, I don't think I've ever been so wrong.

Aside from stunning views and screen detoxing my latest holiday has helped me make a huge mindset shift.

And given I was regularly seeing views like this, it's no surprise.

Over the past few weeks I've been doubling down on my business.

More outreach. More emails. More courses.

While I've seen great results I've definitely had some down moments.

Bad meetings. Frustrating clients. Rejections.

They all started to add up.

At the time these problems seemed like the end of the world.

My energy was down and my motivation to push on was dwindling.

But when I was looking over the mountains I realised something.

Most problems are completely insignificant.

Now don't get me wrong.

At the time an issue can feel terrible.

But how you react to the issue can change your whole life.

A frustrating message from a client doesn't have to lead to a bad day.

A meeting not going your way doesn't have to lead to a bad week.

A rejection from a prospect literally doesn't change anything.

Although these events may feel important they have little effect.

And this is the case with most problems in our lives.

We spend so much time focusing on what goes wrong that we forget that life is a game.

And games are meant to be enjoyed.

So next time you're frustrated, angry or tired don't let it ruin your day.

Instead remember that your feelings are temporary.

Give yourself a set time to feel whatever comes up.

This can be 5 minutes, an hour, or a day.

But once your time is up get back to enjoying life.

Because the reality is that issue you're dealing with probably isn't worth the energy you're spending on it.

Have a great week,

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