Subject: How a client scammed me out of $4k


Here's a little story of how I made a client more money in 2 weeks than he made in 3 months.. and didn't make a penny.

In early April I started working with a clothing company on a rev share deal.

Communications were great at first, and everyone was excited to get started.

The company hadn't been utilizing its email list & had over 5k subscribers, making it a big opportunity.

After updating their core flows (which were terrible) I started creating new campaigns.

I knew flows were beneficial for long term profits, so campaigns were going to be the key to making money.

Easter was coming up, so I created an offer around dressing smart for Easter Sunday.

The offer blew up and generated over $20k in the first three days.

For comparison, this list was generating around $10k a month prior to me taking over.

By day 5, it had generated over $30k in sales.

After Easter I set up a small post-Easter discount, which drove sales up even more, hitting $40k in just two weeks.

I was thrilled.

It meant a nice bonus for me and showed this list could be highly profitable.

But this is where things started to go wrong.

After telling the owner about the sales he stopped replying.

I waited a few days...

And nothing.

No reply at all.

I assumed the owner was busy sorting all the new orders and waited a few more days.

The next Monday I went to log into Klaviyo and I'd had my access removed.

I emailed the owner to ask what was going on.

Eventually, I received a reply stating that the emails were of bad quality and didn't meet the company's standards.

Confused, I replied stating that I'd made more money through email in two weeks than they'd made in the past three months.

After some back and forth I decided this wasn't worth my time and asked the owner for my percentage of the rev share (which was 10%).

He completely ignored my first email.

Then my second.

Eventually he replied to my third email stating that due to the quality of the work I wasn't going to be paid.

I was shocked.

I should be getting at least $4,000 from this client.

Previously, I'd been scammed out of a few $100 here and there, but never anything like this.

I replied with several emails and screenshots showing the before and after results.

The founder continued to make a nonsense claim about quality and after several emails I realised I wasn't getting that money.

So what's the message of this story?

1) Always use a contract.

This was stupid of me as I'd usually work with a contract for retainer clients.

With this deal having no initial payment and with Easter coming up I overlooked this entirely.

2) Always Look For Red Flags

When I took over the Klaviyo account there were a few red flags.

The emails had obviously been written for cheap and not by a native British writer.

The CEO wanted fast answers but was slow to respond.

The configuration was a mess. Many emails weren't sending before I sorted it.

If I'd questioned these from the start, I'd have saved myself a lot of time.

3) Rev Shares Aren't As Great As They Seem

Everyone preaches about the benefits of rev shares.

And for good reason too- they can be a great way to boost your profits.

But if you work with a bad business owner, then they can quickly become a nightmare.

Unfortunately, this is all part of business.

As in any industry, you'll get people with no morals are ethics.

But you live and learn.

Just be careful before going into any rev share deals.

And make sure you get that contract signed before you start!

Have a great week.

Copy "Dont get scammed" Maverick

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