Subject: How a TV star became one of the worlds most influential "doctors"

In the 1970s Sanka ran one of the most successful ads in the coffee industry.

It was so successful that the ad ran for almost a decade.

But what made it a success?

The use of an authority figure...

But not in the traditional sense.

You see, at the time Sanka was promoting a new caffeine-free coffee.

They were looking to create a trend to gain market share.

But to do that they needed an authority figure.

So they used one...

With a twist.

Instead of using one of the many thousands of qualified doctors to talk about the dangers of caffeine...

They hired someone who was already a public figure.

Marcus Welby.

Marcus Welby was the star of the hit show Marcus Welby, M.D.

The show was a household name throughout the 70's.

Marcus played a family practitioner who would make home visits and knew his clients by name.

Everyone loved him.

But he was just doing his job: being an actor.

He wasn't actually a doctor.

In fact, he had no medical qualifications at all.

However, because people associated Marcus with being a doctor the ad was a big hit.

It created an automatic response in the audience triggering a record number of sales for a decaffe coffee.

This example shows just how influential an authority figure can be.

Even if the "expert" is only associated as an expert and not a real one.

So how can you use this in your own copywriting?

Here are 3 ways.

1) Use A Celebrity

Celebrities will often endorse the brands they use.

If the brand you're writing for has a celebrity endorsement use it whenever possible.

  • As part of ads

  • During your flows

  • As part of campaigns

This will automatically position your brand above others.

2) Tell An Influencers Story

Influencers have become the new celebrities.

While they may not have such a wide reach, their impact can be just as significant.

I often write influencer success stories as part of campaigns for my clients.

On almost every occasion, the story is shared by the influencer.

This means it gets more coverage.

More coverage means more customers.

More customers means more money.

It's a win-win.

3) Use An Association Story

Let's say you work for a brand that has no influencers or celebrity endorsements.

You can still use authority in your writing.

For example, let's say your product uses ingredient X.

Ingredient X has just been praised by a top influencer on a podcast.

You can now state that the influencer has praised the ingredient in your product.

This lets you borrow authority without needing an influencer.

And it's exactly what Sanka did with their caffeine free coffee ad.

These 3 ways are highly effective at deflecting objections.

Once a customer sees an authority figure using your product they want to buy too.

Try this in your next email, landing page, ad, or any other piece of copy.

If used correctly you're almost guaranteed to increase conversions.

Have a great week,

Copy "Use Authority Figures" Maverick

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