Subject: How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome


If you've ever created something you've likely felt like an imposter.

Am I good enough to do this?

How does my work compare to others?

Why would they choose me over an expert?

Technically, you're not wrong.

You are an imposter.

But guess what? So is everyone else.

You think Elon Musk knew how to run a car company when he started Tesla?

You think Steve Jobs knew how to run a tech company when he started Apple?

You think Richard Branson knew how to run several companies when he founded Virgin?


And that's the secret.

Everyone's an imposter when they first start.

However it's your RESPONSIBILITY to create.

This is how society grows. We build on ideas started by others.

Eugene Schwartz created a foundation for copywriting. How can you build on his techniques in modern copywriting?

Joseph Sugarman created the foundation for direct mail. How can you build on this for your emails?

Realising that everyone was once an imposter makes you realise that nobodies really an imposter.

It's all in your mind.

The reality is, nobody really knows what they're doing. We're all trying to piece the puzzle together.

Remember this next time you feel like you're not good enough.

Have a great week, speak to you soon,

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