Subject: How I turned an unprofitable email list into a $1 million powerhouse

And how you can do the same for your clients...

In 2023 I generated $1.1 million for a single client.

67% of this revenue was generated by weekly campaigns.

Here's how I did it.

In January 2023 the client (which I'll call Q) came to me with a big problem.

They had a list of over 30,000 subscribers but struggled to generate more than $30k a month.

After an initial audit I spotted two key issues:

Issue 1: Q was only sending 1 email a week.

Issue 2: They were heavily reliant on discounts.

After signing the contract it was time to rebuild their email strategy.

The first thing I did was increase the number of emails being sent.

At a minimum, I would send 3 emails a week.

Some weeks I'd send up to 5.

Given that the audience was only used to one email, I thought sending 5 frequently could be a little too much.

This strategy had some initial pushback, with the CMO stating it could frustrate their audience and cause many to unsubscribe.

But when we implemented it, the opposite happened.

Not only did unsubscribe rates drop, but open rates increased by over 10% as we sent more emails.

People wanted more from the brand!

Within the first month, Q's email revenue had increased, and we were on the right track.

But we still had another issue: the email list was reliant on discounts.

Having spammed its audience with discounts for over a year, Q had damaged its reputation.

Instead of buying because of its premium product range, customers would only buy offers.

No discount... No sale.

This was a big challenge as I had to change customer perception.

To do this I used 3 different types of emails.

1) Ingredient/benefit breakdowns.

2) Emails highlighting industry trends.

3) Recipes that incorporated Q's products.

Here's how I implemented each.

Firstly, with ingredient breakdowns I'd outline a specific ingredient used within a product.

I'd offer interesting facts and stories, cite studies, and provide data on how the ingredient helps people.

By sending one breakdown email a week, we created a more informed customer base that was actually invested in the brand.

This slowly changed Q's perception from a "discount" brand to one that offers high-quality products.

Secondly, we highlighted key industry trends related to Q and its product range.

I would source the latest news reports and data from studies and repurpose them into emails.

These would be sent bi-weekly and would focus on ingredients and the products themselves.

This had two key benefits.

1) It doubled down on creating an informed email list

2) It presented Q as the authority within the industry.

By becoming an industry authority Q could increase customer trust and loyalty, which ultimately resulted in more repeat customers and subscribers.

Lastly, I'd send weekly recipes that contained the Q's products.

These would be sent every Saturday morning regardless of other sales or emails.

Within the first month recipe emails became a big hit.

So much so that customers started to request specific recipes.

Q eventually turned the recipe emails into an entire blog series which we sent to customers at the end of the year as a Christmas gift.

Alongside this strategy, I slowly phased out the number of discounts being sent.

Each month I'd decrease the number of discounts offered and despite products being sold at full price...

Sales doubled in the second quarter.

In 2024 I plan on doubling down on what's working with this brand and take their email revenue to $2 million.

Given that revenue has already passed $200k in January, it's fair to say this target is definitely achievable.

If you're working with a brand (or run your own store) and you're unsure what to send your customers these three are a game changer.

Combine them with other unique ideas, testimonials, and stories, and you'll increase revenue, build a loyal customer base, and create a highly profitable email list.

Have a great week,

Copy "stop relying on discounts" Maverick

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