Subject: How I apply BJJ to business


Brazillian Jiu Jitu plays an important role in my daily routine.

It's a sport I've trained for almost two years and has changed the way I approach many of the obstacles in my life.

In case you haven't heard of it, it's a sport where two men wrestle in their dressing gowns...

Okay not quite, but it's similar.

Although BJJ couldn't be any different from business, I apply the mindset growth I've had in training to the way I approach everyday challenges.

Here are 3 key perspectives that help me overcome business struggles.

Setbacks Are Part of the Process 

I've played sport my whole life.

From football and rugby to tennis and lacrosse, I've always been active and worked to improve myself.

However I've never had as many setbacks as I have with BJJ.

Constant bruising, knee problems, tendonitis and my most recent incident, a broken finger.

Despite these problems quitting was never on the agenda.

The setbacks were frustrating, but never made me want to quit.

I apply this mindset to my business.

You'll encounter a lot of setbacks (especially when you're starting out).

You'll lose clients.

You'll receive frustrating feedback.

You'll have days where nothing goes your way.

Understand this is all part of the process. As long as you don't quit, you can't fail.

Developing Skills Takes Time

The first time I ever sparred I got tapped out 7 times in 5 minutes.

It's an experience I'll never forget.

Every day for the next 3 months I got smashed on the mats.

A win would be not tapping out.

I quickly realised I wouldn't be winning rolls for a while so I started focusing on developing my skills.

Defending for longer. Focusing on holding positions. And lastly, tapping people myself.

It must have been at least 4 months before I tapped anyone and even then I was still being smashed.

Today, I'm tapping out the people who used to smash me.

This mindset also applies to learning skills in business.

Copywriting for example takes years to master (and there's always something new to learn).

At first focus on the small wins.

Slightly more sales. A slight improvement in your writing. More enjoyment whilst writing.

You'll likely feel like you're not improving.

Then one day everything will just seem to connect.

You'll find yourself working at a whole new skill level without even realising it.

Emotional Management

If you want to become successful in BJJ you'll need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

There's literally no way around this.

You'll be tapped 1000's of times. You'll be choked, have your limbs pulled apart and get smashed on a daily basis.

Being uncomfortable also applies to business (albeit less physical).

You'll have to face rejection, make a lot of mistakes, risk a loss of income.

However, during this process you'll learn to control your emotions.

Facing rejection will become easier.

Jumping on sales calls will feel natural.

Making a mistake won't feel like the end of the world.

Being able to effectively manage your emotions will not only take you further in business, but it'll make your every day experience significantly more enjoyable.

Why Is BJJ Similar To Business?

Although they're worlds apart BJJ and business have a lot in common.


They're difficult to do.

90% of businesses fail.

80% of white belts never get their blue belt.

Having the right mindset in life will allow you to do what most consider difficult.

It will set you apart from others and give you an unfair advantage.

Once you build the right mindset, you'll never look back.

Your BJJ buddy,

- Copy Mav

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