Subject: How Do You Beat Short Attention Span?


Did you know, the average attention span has decreased by 25% in just 15 years?

Our brains are being rewired to expect instant results.

Have a problem? Contact customer support.

Have a question? Google it.

We no longer have to wait for solutions.

So what does this mean for you as a copywriter?

It means you have to build belief in your product/ service faster than ever before.

Luckily, there's an easy trick to follow.

Start with a headline that your reader will easily accept.

"Why haven't people been told these weight loss facts?"

People are tired of manipulation in the weight loss industry.

They'll happily accept this statement as they already feel distrust.

Follow this with a question and the word "then".

"Are you tired of fit juices and Instagram exercises? Then here's the complete solution for getting in shape and changing your lifestyle."

"Then" creates instant belief in your next statement.

Read the sentence again without it.

The sentence doesn't have the same impact.

From here, you can create a habit of agreement with your reader.

Ask 2-3 more questions that you know they'll answer yes to.

Do you struggle to fit exercise into your daily routine?

Have you tried to lose weight and failed?

Do you find eating healthy challenging?

You get the point.

Doing this puts your reader into the habit of saying yes and they're only a few lines into your copy.

Don't ask open questions.

You need to keep your copy short, snappy and straight to the point.

It's a simple solution against short attention spans and is something you can implement straight away.

Give it a go in your next ad and watch your retention dramatically increase.

Let me know your results.

Speak to you next week,

Copy Mav

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