Subject: Grind culture is holding you back


During my first few years as a copywriter I pretty much worked every day I could.

Bank holidays. Weekends. Holiday seasons. You name it, I was working.

I had bought into the 'grind culture' of the internet.

And for a while, it worked.

My business was doing great, I was getting results and my clients were happy.

But in my second year something changed.

Suddenly, I was tired all the time.

I wasn't nearly as productive, I wasn't lifting as much in the gym and my motivation was at an all-time low.

For the first time ever I started to miss deadlines...

My workload quickly felt overwhelming.

I hadn't taken on any new clients, so what was the problem?

I'd burnt myself out.

I was tired, unmotivated and everything seemed to be spiraling out of control.

The way I was working simply wasn't sustainable.

I decided to take some time out, reflect on what happened and learn from it.

This year I've taken a new approach.

I take bank holidays off.

I don't work every weekend.

And best of all, I'll take a week off every 3 months or so.

During these weeks I'll rest up and focus on other important areas of my life.

As the week comes to an end, I'll reflect on my goals, make adjustments and plan for the next 3 months.

This helps me keep on top of my goals and spot the areas I can improve.

And so far it's been a huge success.

Now, I'm not saying you should be lazy.

In fact, to succeed in business there will be times when you just have to grind it out.

However, don't listen to the people preaching grind culture on social media.

I can tell you first hand that not only does it not work, but it'll damage your business in the long run.

Work hard, but make sure you rest too.

You're never going to look back on life and wish you spent more days working.

- Copy Mav

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