Subject: Feel like an imposter? That's because you are one...

But this isn't a bad thing...

If you struggle with imposter syndrome (like many writers) it can be crippling.

The constant self-doubt.

The constant questions.

The constant voice telling you you're not good enough.

It's enough to make you want to quit.

But this mindset shift completely changed how I viewed myself when I was first getting started.

Firstly, accept you are an imposter.

You're new to copywriting.

And if you're not then there are experts with decades more experience than you.

But here's the catch.

Everyone was once an imposter.

Do you think Gary Halbert knew what he was doing when he first started writing?

Do you think Christiano Ronaldo knew what he was doing when he first played football?

Do you think Elon Musk knew everything about cars when he started Tesla?

All of these experts started as "imposters".

Which means there's nothing wrong with being an imposter.

In fact, if you start anything you're going to be an imposter.

But that's nothing to be ashamed of.

Because it means you're taking action when thousands chose not to.

And once you accept this reality you're suddenly free from the label.

Will you still doubt yourself?


Will you still have moments when things get tough?


Will you sometimes think of quitting?


But these moments are opportunities to prove yourself.

Keep turning up every day and putting in the reps.

In 3 months others won't recognise you.

In a year you can completely reinvent yourself.

So next time you ask:

"Am I an imposter"

The answer is yes.

But this is good news.

Because now is your time to go from an imposter to an expert.

Have a great week,

Copy "beat imposter syndrome" Maverick

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