Subject: Every setback is a new opportunity in disguise


Unfortunately I had a freak BJJ accident over the weekend.

Long story short, I dislocated my elbow and was rushed to the hospital.

Luckily I don't need surgery but the pain is still there.

Because of this, I'll be taking 2 weeks to rest and recover.

The doctors also said I won't train BJJ till June at the earliest.

But it's not all bad news.

I could use this time to feel sorry for myself and let good habits slip.

But instead I'm going to be working on other areas of my life.

Taking long walks.


And most of all, studying and improving my copy game.

I'll be back better than ever with more to teach you about copy, mindset and business in two weeks.

Have a great start to Q2.

Speak soon,

Copy Maverick

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