Subject: Don't make this copy mistake


This weeks email is going to be a bit shorter than usual, but this tip can change your copy game.

A big mistake I see a lot of new copywriters make is talking about the product instead of the product's benefits.

They'll use facts that the business considers interesting.

The reality is, nobody cares.

They want to know how the product will help them, how fast it will work and how much it will cost.

This gives you the opportunity to take the customer on a journey with your writing.

Think of your copy as a conversation.

Show that you understand the pain/ inconvenience the reader is going through.

Take them on a journey on what life would be like without that pain.

And then offer your product as the solution.

You can then back the solution with evidence.

Customer testimonials are great for this, especially if they have figures.

At no point in your copy should you be writing facts about the business unless it directly benefits the customer.

The moment you find yourself talking about the business is the moment you start wasting words and the readers time.

If it doesn't add to the effectiveness of your writing then remove it.

Try this next time you write:

Read your copy out loud and make notes on the document stating why the copy is there.

You'll quickly spot any filler that's wasting words.

It's a simple but effective trick and you'll begin to automatically pick up on filler copy.

Have a good week,


Copy Maverick

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