Subject: Don't let AI replace you


AI is slowly taking over internet marketing.

It's being used to write blogs, emails, ads and even landing pages.

My prediction is that by the end of the year bad copywriters are going to be completely replaced by AI.

They simply can't compete.

But with every setback comes opportunity.

There's much more to copywriting than just writing.

Copywriting is all about your ability to solve problems.

This means to outperform AI you need to become more than just another cookie cutter writer.

You need to think outside the box, bring new ideas to businesses and create innovative ways to attract customers.

Despite the media hype, this isn't the first time AI has influenced an industry.

In fact, just five years ago everyone was saying that AI would wipe out the accountancy market.

Yet today, accountants are one of the most sought-after professionals in the world.

So what happened?

Although businesses could now use AI to keep financial records they lacked the skills to interpret and get the most out of them.

Yes they could now do basic bookkeeping.

But could they calculate taxes? Work out how to cut costs? Manage inventory?


Instead of being replaced by AI, accountants used it to make their job easier.

Accountants quickly became "management accountants" analysing businesses to spot areas for growth.

And now the same is happening to the copywriting industry.

AI can create words, but this doesn't mean they'll convert.

Basic skills such as blog writing, proofreading and simple emails may become obsolete.

But new skills are going to be in high demand.

Copywriters of the future will need to understand:

  • Psychology

  • Positioning

  • Storytelling

  • Word Structure

  • Persuasion

If you don't understand these skills then AI isn't going to help you.

You still won't understand how to build an argument and achieve your desired result.

This means AI won't be as useful as people believe for business owners.

They will still need copywriters to use AI to generate the best results.

So instead of slowly waiting for AI to take over start using it to your advantage.

Study human psychology with "Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Study positioning with "Positioning" by Al Ries

Study storytelling with "Made To Stick" by Chip Heath

Study word structure with "Adweek Copywriting Handbook" by Joseph Sugarman

Study persuasion with "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely

The better you understand the underlying reasons why people buy, the more you make yourself irreplaceable.

Don't let AI take your job.

Use it to earn more than ever before.

Have a great week,

Copy Maverick

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