Subject: Don't fall for the content creation myth

You're better off spending your time elsewhere.

If you've spent more than 5 minutes on X or LinkedIn you've seen everyone preaching the benefits of "personal branding."

Now, don't get me wrong, building a following definitely has benefits.

But if you're looking to hit a certain income (or if you have no clients) then becoming a content creator is a complete waste of time.

Over the last 4 years the market has gone from experts in their niche helping educate others...

To content creators and ghostwriters just repeating the same rubbish.

The market doesn't need more platitudes.

It needs experts who can actually deliver a service.

Now, I know what you're thinking:

"But Jack, if I build an audience I'll generate inbound leads."

While this could be true, I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

Most of the big accounts on social media are broke.

They built the account on platitudes and can't monetize their audience.

So, instead of spending hours a day commenting under big accounts to get a few likes, here's what you need to do instead:

1) Choose a skill

The demand for digital skills (copywriting, sales, design etc) has never been higher.

While most are "saturated" it takes very little to stand out.

2) Buy a book/ course on the skill

For copywriting I'd recommend:

  • Scientific Advertising

  • Breakthrough Advertising

  • The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

3) Spend all your spare time studying it

Just 1 hour a day will put you ahead of most people.

4) Apply the skill for a low fee

Reach out to friends/ family and see if you can offer your service for a testimonial.

I'd avoid working for free as nobody values free work.

5) Get a testimonial and start outreach

Tailored cold emails work best for this.

If you do this for 2 months, you'll land a client.

Or alternatively, you can comment for 3 hours a day and get 500 followers.

But I can tell you this...

An extra $5k a month feels a lot better than 500 followers.

Don't fall into the content creation trap.

1% of creators are making 99% of the money.

1 client on the other hand could change your life.

Have a great week,

Copy "build a real skill" Maverick

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