Subject: Don't be afraid to upset a few people

Boring ideas lead to boring results

Last week I received this message from a client:

"Hey Jack, we've received a complaint from a customer stating you used fake information in one of our emails."

Shocked, I quickly went over to Klaviyo to see what the problem was.

After reading through the email I was a little confused.

The statistics were backed by Harvard journals and had over 500 studies to support the claims.

I messaged the support team to look at the email.

It turned out this woman just didn't agree with what I had to say.

She had scoured the internet to find one rogue post disputing the claims and sent that in her reply, claiming I was promoting "false information."

But it got me thinking...

Today, too many businesses are trying to please everyone.

And in my opinion pleasing everyone is a bit like selling to everyone...

You don't end up having any impact.

It's one of the reasons most emails are so bland.

They use the same boring claims...

Spam discounts...

And offer very little value aside from citing another "top 5 foods to eat" blog.

But this is also a huge opportunity for you.

With everyone using the same boring emails standing out has never been easier.

Instead of copying everyone else add some big claims to your emails.

Find niche studies that haven't gone mainstream yet.

Challenge the perspectives of an audience.

Introduce a new use case/ idea.

Now, I'm not saying make crazy claims that can get you into trouble.

But don't be afraid to push the boat out.

This will not only help you to stand out as a copywriter, but it's also going to get your clients better results.

Have a great week,

Copy "Stop boring readers" Maverick

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