Subject: Do you really want it?

A concerning trend I'm noticing with new writers

After working with over 20 writers in the last 2 weeks, I've noticed a concerning trend.

Most people love the idea of writing for a living.

Working their own hours. Being their own boss. Having control of their income.

But when it comes to actually doing the work, most fall short.

I've had multiple writers tell me how excited they are to get started.

They ask for as much work as possible and even give themselves early deadlines.

Only to completely miss the deadline and underdeliver.

And I think the problem comes down to the image of writing created on social media.

On social media you see great results, few working hours, and constant success.

But in reality copywriting is a grind.

You need to write for 6+ hours a day.

You need to be okay with negative feedback.

You need to be willing to put in the extra work.

And from what I'm seeing most new writers can't even do the basics.

Which makes me ask the question?

Do you really want it?

Are you actually willing to put in the grind and sacrifice to succeed?

Or have you sold yourself a lie?

I think this is a question you need to ask yourself and sit with before you get started with copywriting....

Because the reality is the market is only getting more competitive.

And the more competitive it gets the harder you need to work.

If you're not willing to put that work in then you can kiss your dreams goodbye.

They're just not going to happen.

Now, I'm not saying this to put you off copywriting.

But I'm seeing so many new writers enter the market only to leave themselves and clients disappointed.

So before you decide to go all in, make sure this is definitely the industry for you.

The last thing you want to do is create a business you hate.

Have a great week,

Copy "Put in the work" Maverick

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