Subject: Boom & bust vs steadiness


In 1911 Britain raced Norway to become the first country to reach the South Pole.

One expedition would end in victory and the other, disaster.

The British team was led by Robert Falcon Scott, who recruited men from his original Antarctic voyage and from Ernest Shackleton’s ship, The Nimrod, to accompany him.

The Norwegian team was led by Roald Amundsen, a respected Norwegian explorer who kept his plans for the journey a secret until his return.

Although they had the same goal, the two teams had very different strategies.

Scott's team would travel as far as possible on good weather days and travel little when the weather was bad.

Amundsen's team would travel 15 miles a day no matter the weather.

The British got off to a good start but quickly ran into a problem.

On the bad weather days the team were so exhausted that they didn't make any progress.

They sat in their tents drained both physically and mentally. Morale was low and progress slow.

Things were different for the Norweigan team.

They made steady progress and quickly came within 45 miles of the South Pole.

They had no idea whether or not the British team were ahead and could make it in 1 big push.

Despite this, Amundsen kept his composure and took 3 days to reach the South Pole.

They reached the South Pole 33 days before Captain Scott arrived and safely returned to their base camp.

Scott reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912, disappointed to find a Norweigan flag waiting for him.

Things only worsened for Scott on the journey home.

His team were weak from exhaustion, hunger and extreme cold.

Scott's final diary entry was dated 29 March 1912.

None of his team ever returned.

Now, what does this have to do with copywriting?

Most new writers fail as they follow the boom and bust strategy used by Scott.

They spend a week learning, a week writing and quickly burn out.

Those that become successful follow Amundsen's strategy.

They start by studying for an hour a day.

Then they write for an extra hour every day.

Although progress is slower at first, they create a sustainable strategy that keeps them going.

Three months in the writer following strategy 2 will have achieved more than the other.

It's easy to be impatient when you're first starting.

Stick with it no matter how little progress you can make daily.

In the long run it will all add up and you will reach your goals.

- Copy Mav

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