Subject: Avoid this mistake when looking for a copywriting coach

It could set you back years

Hiring a copywriting coach will significantly speed up your progress.

You'll learn more in one year working with a coach than 3 years solo.

But not all coaches are a good match...

Here's why.

Most advice online will go something like this:

"To choose a coach find someone who's achieved what you want and hire them."

And while this isn't bad advice it doesn't give you the full picture.

You see, people will follow this and hire the first person they find who's achieved what they want.

They will work with them for a while, only to find huge differences in personalities.

They then find out the coach has completely different values.

Yes, they're making 10k a month.

But they're also doing some blackhat stuff to do that.

And this is a common mistake I see copywriters make when hiring a coach.

They eventually fall out of love with copywriting and in some cases quit entirely.

So if you're looking for a copywriting coach here are 3 things you need to look out for.

1) Have They Achieved What You Want?

There are thousands of "coaches" out there who do nothing but coach.

They don't write copy anymore, and in some cases they never did.

The first thing you want to check is whether or not the coach has achieved what you want in the way you want to achieve it.

If they have, move on to step 2.

2) Do You Have Similar Values?

In my opinion this is extremely overlooked.

Due to the nature of copywriting you get some bad people out there.

People who will sell anything to anyone whether they need it or not.

Yes, they're good at what they do, but their morals are all over the place.

If you work with someone with different values, it can be a really uncomfortable experience.

Some of their advice might not sit right with you, and you may even stop enjoying your work.

To avoid this jump on a call beforehand and ask some more personal questions to know them as a person as well as a coach.

This can save you an awkward conversation down the line.

3) Do You Naturally Get Along?

Have you ever met someone and just naturally clicked?

No awkwardness, just good vibes.

This is what you want in a coach.

Someone you can learn from but also enjoy being around/ talking to.

By working with someone you naturally get along with you'll start to enjoy the learning experience.

And given that learning copywriting has a steep learning curve this will keep you going on the days you want to quit.

In my experience hiring a coach is the best thing you can do to kick-start your progress.

And if you haven't got the budget for a coach consider group coaching.

You might not get the 1 to 1 experience, but you'll still learn and make connections in the process.

And these connections can prove vital for your future business.

Have a great week,

Copy "don't hire the wrong coach" Mav

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