Subject: Are you making this copywriting mistake?

Here's what to do instead...

One of my clients recently hired a new CMO.

She formally worked at one the biggest brands in the world and has a great job history.

But she's making one of the biggest copywriting mistakes possible.

You see, all of her experience is with multinational companies. (MNCs)

The household names you see every day.

But my client isn't a household name.

They're well known in some demographics but don't have nearly the same brand power.

And now, this CMO's new strategy crashed email sales by 40% in one month.


She's using MNC marketing tactics for a medium-sized brand.

Which is a common mistake many smaller brands make.

"We want to sound like Apple"

"We want to position ourselves like Nestle"

"We want to create ads like BMW"

The problem with this approach is that multinational brands often have terrible marketing.

They use generic templates, overdesigned emails, and extremely poor copy.

But they get away with it because they have huge brand power.

Smaller brands don't have this power.

So here's what you need to do instead.

First, outline everything you have on your client.

• Their philosophy

• Their testimonials

• Their writing style

• Their previous copy

The more detail the better.

Next, you want to create a document for market research.

Here outline:

• Trending topics

• Interesting/ underrated angles

• What top competitors are doing

• What is currently converting the best

These 2 documents will be the foundation of everything you write from now on.

Now create a 3rd document and break down:

1) What your client is doing well

2) What competitors are doing better

3) Where competitors can improve their copy

Using this breakdown you can build a strategy that helps your client stand out.

Apply what's already working in the market to your client, add your own spin, and tailor it to their writing style.

This will make it truly unique and relatable for their audience.

Use this approach for your clients, and you're guaranteed to get results.

People are fed up with the same boring marketing tactics.

Be different from the "norm" and your results will speak for themselves.

Have a great week,

Copy "don't copy MNCs" Mav

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