Subject: Are you asking this question?

Use it to optimize your benefits

Benefits are arguably the most important part of any sales argument.

But most people don't do nearly enough to make them effective.

When you think of benefits you likely think:

  • Money

  • Physique

  • Happiness

  • Partnerships

  • The high-life lifestyle

But there's something that underlies all of these benefits.

And its something you need to focus on before you write anything.


Humans are naturally programmed to desire status.

In tribal lifestyles, status would mean more mates, more food, and ultimately, a greater chance of reproducing and surviving.

In the modern world, things are a little more complex.

Status means different things for different groups of people.

Before you write, you need to identify the group your ICP is in.

For people in the gym, it could be lifting the most weight.

For someone who's religious, it could be becoming the most enlightened.

For someone in business, it could be making as much money as possible.

And your job as a copywriter is to find out what "status" means for the people you're writing for.

Doing so allows you to attract your audience on a deeper level.

But how can you go about doing this?

Firstly, use social media, forums, and reviews to find out your ICP's desires.

Ask questions such as:

  • What are the problems they're experiencing?

  • What problems do current solutions have?

  • What are competitors using in their copy?

  • What is their dream outcome?

Once you've identified the top 3 main pain points, it's time to dig deeper.

To dig deeper, ask this question:

What status would my ICP acquire if they were to achieve their goals?

For example:

A powerlifter looking to lift more weight could become the biggest person in the gym, leading to more sponsorships.

A religious individual looking for enlightenment could gain status, and help more people as a result.

A business person is looking for more money, which grants them status above people above them, and thus more business opportunity.

By achieving their dream status, individuals can gain more opportunities and live a more fulfilled life.

If you can identify what this is, your copy is going convert at significantly higher rates.

So, next time you're writing bullet points, don't just focus on the base level.

Dig deeper and identify the status someone is trying to achieve.

This will take your copy to the next level.

Have a great week,

Copy "Status" Maverick

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