Subject: AI lost my client $10k

Will it really replace copywriters?

For the past year AI has been in the spotlight.

So called "experts" have been telling everyone that AI is here to replace copywriters.

And according to a few social media posts, it's already being used to write emails.

Well... my client put that to the test.

During a recent product launch the marketing manager used AI to design and write the launch email.

The result?

Absolute disaster.

An email that should have made over $10k made...


It was the worst-performing email my client had ever sent.

Luckily, I somewhat salvaged the launch with two post-launch emails that generated $11k in total.

But this showed me something.

AI isn't even close to replacing copywriters.

And brands that are already using AI are going down a slippery slope.

You see, while AI can be used for writing...

Everything it writes sounds the same.

Which means that brands who use it aren't going to differentiate themselves.

Eventually, their growth will slow.

Whereas those who use real copywriters will stand out.

So is AI really a threat to copywriting?

Yes and no.

In my opinion it will replace copywriters who:

  • Don't use it at all

  • Fail to improve their skills

  • Don't skill stack

But will it replace copywriting altogether?


But that doesn't mean you shouldn't use it.

AI is one of the best tools you can use for research.

Use prompts like:

"What are X of the biggest problems for Y audience"

"What is the main problem holding back X audience"

"What is stopping X audience from taking Y action"

You can then ask AI to cite studies, dive deeper into key pain points, and gather interesting stats and data points.

It's a fantastic tool, just don't use it to write the copy itself.

You'll not only produce rubbish, but you won't build your skills in any way.

Have a great week,

Copy "Don't rely on AI" Maverick

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