Subject: 5 tips to make your headings stand out


Your headline is the most important part of your copy.

Without a great headline, your copy will never be read (let alone convert).

And still, many copywriters get this part of their copy wrong.

They make headlines too long, untargeted and outright boring.

Instead of having your ads skipped, here are 5 ways you can attract your customers attention.

Tip 1: Write to a specific audience

Headlines should serve two purposes.

Firstly, they should attract your target audience.

Secondly, they should get rid of unwanted attention.

A generic headline may get more readers.

But a specific headline will get the readers you want.

Think of your headline like a newspaper.

There are several sections in a newspaper that attract a certain audience.

Sports, politics, crime, reality, finance.

Each is written in a way that keeps the target audience reading.

You want to do the same.

Tip 2: Draft, re-draft, repeat.

I often spend more time writing the headline for an ad than the body.

I'll note down all the headings I can think of, leave the table and return half an hour later.

Usually, I won't use any of the first headlines I created.

Great headlines are created by continuously drafting.

Edit your headlines at least 3-4 times before choosing the final one.

The more you do this, the easier creating headlines will become.

Tip 3: Find the broadest appeal

Within your target market you want to find the appeal that attracts the most people.

So how can you do this?

Simple, test as much as you can.

Often a single word added or removed can change the outcome of an ad.

Every week for a month A/B test two headlines.

At the end of the month you'll have data on 8 headlines.

See which has the best results and you'll know which appeal is the broardest.

Tip 4: Use numbers

As a consumer you've seen every promise under the sun.

"Better abs in 2 weeks" "Double your income within a month" "More energy than ever before"

The reality is, these promises don't impress readers anymore.

If you want to catch the readers attention, use numbers.

"3500 People used *Product* to Lose Half Their Body Fat in Only 6 Months"

People unconsciously accept numbers.

Add them to your headline and you'll have a better chance of readers accepting your claims.

Tip 5: Use subheadings

After attracting the attention of the reader you can keep them reading with a subheading.

This subheading should add to your initial message, building interest and the desire to read on.

"3500 People used *Product* to Lose Half Their Body Fat in Only 6 Months

And Today - You Get Access To The Same Supplement That'll Allow You To Burn Fat In Your Sleep"

See how I build interest in the first heading, then add to that in the second?

It's a simple but effective way to keep the customer reading one line after another.

There are many ways to improve headlines, though I've found these to be the most effective.

Give them a try and see what results you get.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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