Subject: 5 headlines that will help you improve conversions

They've been used by the top copywriters for decades...

You may already know that I'm not a fan of copywriting templates.

Most make your writing sound robotic and will limit how much you learn from your writing process.

That being said, these 5 templates are great for headlines.

They're easy to use, effective, and have been tried and tested for decades.

Let's jump right in.

1. How I _____

This introduces a story that naturally attracts readers.

Combine that with a benefit and your prospects will find it difficult to leave the page.

For example:

"How I Generated An Extra $10,000 For My Client In Just 14 Days"

Simple. Engaging. And it can be applied to just about any niche.

2. Who Else Wants _____

The word "else" implies that people already know something the reader doesn't.

This naturally creates FOMO which is an extremely powerful emotion.

For example:

"Who Else Wants To Lose 10lbs In The Next 2 Weeks?

After reading this a prospect will think: "If someone else lost 10lbs, why can't I?"

3. How To _____ Without _____

"How to" are 2 of the most powerful words you can use in a headline.

Combine them with your reader's main desire to maximize impact.

For example:

"How To Land Your First Client Without Sending 100's Of Cold Emails"

The addition of a "without" addresses your reader's main objection which shows you understand their perspective.

4. _____ Ways To _____

This headline has been somewhat overused by internet marketers.

However, it can still be extremely effective when used correctly.

For example:

"8 Ways Our Protein Formula Can Get You Better Results Than Your Current Supplements"

This creates curiosity while also positioning yourself as the better brand.


5. They Didn't Think I Could _____, But I Did

This headline introduces an underdog story, which naturally fascinates humans.

You can use this to address a concern your target audience may be feeling & show there's a solution.

For example:

"They Never Believed I Could Become A Copywriter, But Now They Ask Me To Write Their Websites"

I've personally used this headline several times over the past few weeks and every time it's improved conversions.

Your headline is the most important part of your copy, and therefore you need to spend time getting it right.

If you're just starting out these templates are a great way to spark ideas, and have been tried on thousands of audiences previously.

This shows they work, even if some have been overused by internet marketers.

Have a great week,

Copy "write better headlines" Mav

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