Subject: 4 Habits To Master Copywriting

One of the biggest mistakes new copywriters make is writing 24/7.

They think that in order to improve, they must write constantly.

Not only is this wrong, but it can limit your progression. Something I learnt the hard way.

When I first started, I was writing 12 hours a day. Wake up, write, repeat.

Within months I was burnt out. I hated writing. It made me miserable.

Something had to change.

At this time I was reading the book Atomic Habits.

I quickly realised that my habits weren't serving my goal.

They were actually damaging my development.

So how can you avoid this pitfall?

By developing habits that serve your goals.

If you're reading this, I assume improving your writing is one of them.

Here are some of the habits I've found to improve my writing.


There are many ways to exercise. You can go to the gym, compete in a sport, run or do a martial art.

No matter what you do, it's important you do it at least 3 times a week.

Exercise helps you clear your head. It reduces stress and most importantly, it stops you from sitting at a desk all day.

I've found that exercising first thing in the morning or evening to be the most effective. I always feel better no matter how busy my day's been.


Reading is an essential skill for a copywriter.

However I don't mean read copywriting books. (Though this is important when you start).

To become a great copywriter, you must read the same content your audience reads.

Selling a sports product for men? Read Men's Health Magazine.

Selling premium clothing for women? Read Vogue.

The point of this is not to consume, but to understand the mindset of your audience.

This will help you gain insight into their thought process, which you can then apply to your writing.

See what's working, tailor it to your audience. Don't try to reinvent the wheel.

Walks In Nature

If you're getting brain fog then it's a sign that you're spending too much time look at a screen.

Get out of the house and go for a walk.

This may sound counterproductive.

After all, you could be spending this time working, right?

Well yes.

But by the time you get home, you'll find your productivity significantly increase.

Make sure you get out for a walk at least once a day.


Meditation is a habit that takes a lot of time to develop.

But once it becomes part of your routine, it's priceless.

I currently meditate for around 20 minutes a day.

Meditation helps you clear your head and think outside the box.

You'll think of ideas that would have otherwise never crossed your mind.

So, how can you get started?

With any of these habits, it's important you start small.

Start by doing a single one of them a few times a week.

Make it work around your current routine.

No huge lifestyle changes.

After 30 days, implement another.

Play around with them, find what works for you and most importantly, do what you enjoy.

Once you have habits that serve you, improving your writing will become natural.

Speak to you all next week.

Keep winning,

Cop Mav

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