Subject: 3 tips for improving productivity


One of the biggest challenges copywriters face is remaining productive.

With everything trying to grab your attention it can feel impossible to remain focused.

Social media. The radio. Client messages.

It can all feel too much.

Here are three tips I've learnt to help me remain productive throughout the day.

Work In Segments

One writing trick I learnt studying Eugene Schwartz is to work in segments.

I currently set a timer for 33.33 minutes.

During those minutes I focus on nothing but the project in front of me.

When the timer goes off I give myself 5 minutes to rest.

Then repeat 5-6 times a day.

You'll get more done in these 33 minutes than you will in the rest of your day.

Afternoon Showers

This is a little trick I've discovered recently.

I used to experience a mid-afternoon slump.

I'd feel tired. Productivity was low. Ideas were scarce.

Now I do this.

From 1-3pm I'll focus on work.

Around 3pm I'll have a shower.

During this time ideas will be flying around about the project I'm working on.

I'll write these down after my shower.

By the time I'm back at my desk writing is easy.

Remove Your Phone

Working with your phone at your desk is the WORST thing you can do.

It's even worse if you have all notifications on.

Put your phone in another room and give yourself time slots when you can check it.

This gives you something to work towards and helps you stay focused.

Before doing this I had no idea how bad my phone was for productivity.

But removing it has been a game changer.


This week give each of these tips a try. You can do each individually or combine them to see how much your day changes.

Test them out and see what works for you.

Have a productive week,

Copy Mav

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