Subject: 3 things I learned at a Jordan Peterson talk

This is your wake up call...

Last Wednesday I attended a Jordan Peterson talk in London.

If you don't know who he is, Jordan is a clinical psychologist, author and has built a brand around his views.

After starting his show with classical music played by a Cambridge Orchestra, Jordan spoke about the current political climate, self-mastery, and perception before introducing a panel of 3 experts.

The experts debated the topics in greater detail, leaving me with many thoughts to process over the last five days.

And after much deliberation, here are the 3 main takeaways from the talk.

1) You can't rely on traditional systems

In the 1960's a new system was implemented by Western governments.

Essentially: you work a 9-5 job that lets you buy a house, pay your mortgage, and raise a family.

Then you retire in your 60's with enough money to live the rest of your life.

And for multiple decades this system worked pretty well.

But today it's falling apart.

Corporate & government greed has caused house prices to rocket, the cost of living to rise and pushed many people below the poverty line.

Here's how crazy prices have become.

In 1960 the average cost of a house was $48,000.

In 2023 this is now $436,000.

But that's not the shocking part...

In the 1960's, 70's, and 80's a household would spend just 18% of their income on their home.

Today this has increased to 36%.

And things are getting worse.

Corporations are buying up housing at record rates and are expected to own over 40% of the housing market by 2023...

Essentially turning the market into a monopoly.

Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum made one of the most chilling statements I've ever seen...

In short, relying on traditional systems is a one-way stop to failure.

So what can you do?

You need to start building for yourself.

Create digital income streams.

Invest in self-education.

Build your network.

There's no longer time to mess about.

If you don't take control of your life then governments will do it for you.

But don't worry... it's not all doom and gloom.

In fact, with the right mindset you could change your family's life for generations to come.

2) You need a higher purpose

According to Jordan, there's a reason why mental health has become an issue worldwide.

In the mid-20th century religion and community started to break down.

Many people became atheists, and communities stopped talking to one another.

Instead, we became focused on the individual.

This has created mass loneliness and a generation without purpose.

Combine that with the damaging effects of social media, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Today, people achieve for themselves, only to realise that they feel empty when they do.

Instead, you need to work towards a higher purpose.

Make money to retire your parents.

Build a business to provide for your children.

Set up a charity to support your local community.

Humans are naturally social creatures.

We do things for others.

And when you do things for others the result is significantly more rewarding.

3) Life is about perception

This point is arguably the most important in this email.

While the world looks like it's in a bad way, this is all down to your perception.

Yes, from a bird's eye view things look bad.

But you also have more opportunities than ever.

You can start a business for less than $100 without needing connections.

You can walk to the shop and buy delicious food from all around the world.

You can meet like-minded people on the internet instead of being stuck where you were born.

The world is an extremely abundant place, and there are so many opportunities if you look for them.

This leads me to my favourite quote:

"If you go through the world looking for excellence you will find it."

In a world full of negativity be the light for people.

Give back generously, support your inner circle, and strive for excellence in everything you do.

This way no matter what's going on externally, your internal world will be one of abundance.

Have a great week,

Copy "take control of your life" Maverick

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