Subject: 3 reasons your copy isn't converting

And how to fix these mistakes...


Sometimes writing copy can feel like completing a puzzle.

You have all the pieces, but you need to find the right structure to convert.

You'll spend hours editing to get the perfect copy...

Only to find it doesn't convert.

It's a frustrating experience and one we all go through as copywriters.

But you're usually only a few steps away from getting the result you want.

In my experience there are three main reasons your copy isn't converting.

Below I'll explain each mistake and how you can avoid them in the future

Let's start.

1. You've overcomplicated the offer

We live in a world where consumers want fast, simple and instant results.

If they read your copy and it sounds complex they'll leave the page.

You need to show you understand their problem, intensify it and offer a solution.

In that order.

Your product or service should make it as simple as possible to go from A to Z.

If you offer a service talk about getting your clients their desired results with the least resistance.

Not the 100 steps you'll take to get them the results.

If you offer a product talk about giving your customers their desired feeling.

Not the 100 unique features it has and how it was built.

Make the solution sound so painstakingly simple that your offer is a simple no brainer.

2. You've made the product sound boring

You want to create a sense of excitement with everything you write.

How will a customer feel once they have your product?

What results can you deliver to change their life?

Don't bore prospects with mundane features.

Talk about the results that excite them.

They're not working with an email agency that's going to write their flows.

They're working with an agency that's going to double their email revenue in 3 months.

They haven't purchased a watch that tells the time.

They've purchased a Rolex that makes a statement to those around them.

The more excitement you create the more you'll convert.

3. You've made the wrong comparison

Comparison is a great way to introduce something new to a market.

It can be used to create an instant connection between consumers as they'll relate something they know to your product.

Aldi and Lidl are masters of this.

They've dominated the food industry for several years after comparing themselves to other supermarkets but at a cheaper price.

So how can you do the same?

Instead of comparing yourself with competitors, compare yourself to a prestigious brand people already recognise.

If you're an upcoming copywriter: "People are calling him the next Gary Halbert"

If you're running a watch brand: "The prestige of Rolex without the 5 figure price tag"

If you're a supplement brand: "All the benefits of MyProtein without the junk"

This comparison will create an instant connection in the mind of your consumer, which will reduce the likelihood of them rejecting your product/ service.

If your copy isn't converting, it's highly likely you've made one of these mistakes.

Re-read your copy and see where you've gone wrong.

If you can't see any of these, have another copywriter read your work & see what they say.

Sometimes you can be too attached to realise where you're going wrong.

Do this each time you write copy and there's no way your conversions don't increase.

Have a great week.

Copy "Lets Improve Conversions" Maverick

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