Subject: 3 mindset shifts to double your copywriting income


If you've ever read a self-help book you'll know that mindset plays a crucial role in success.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, athlete or you work a 9-5, it will ultimately be your mindset that determines how far you go.

But how should you approach mindset as a copywriter?

During my first few years in the industry my thinking patterns limited my growth.

It was only after several big mistakes and talking with other copywriters that I realised my approach was wrong.

Here are 3 of the mindset shifts that had the biggest impact on my growth as a copywriter.

1) Understand those closest to you will often be your biggest critics

I have a story for you.

When I first started as a copywriter I didn't tell my family straight away.

They always thought I'd work a traditional job so I wanted to have something to show that I've already achieved some success.

I had landed a few clients and was generating a decent income.

I decided to tell my grandparents at the dinner table.

My grandad instantly said "Thats not a real business, you need to get a proper job".

Honestly, I was pretty shocked.

Over the next few months most people I told had the same reaction.

"Isn't setting up a business risky"

"You should get a job first"

"What if you fail?"

For a long time I was annoyed at how people had reacted.

Why would they not support me?

But then I had a realisation.

It wasn't that they were against me. They just thought they knew what was best for me.

Unfortunately this is rarely the case.

At the end of the day only you know what's best for you.

Don't be disheartened by others reactions.

Those close to you only act this way because they care.

2) To upgrade your income you need to get rid of the things that got you there

Let me explain.

What you did to get to £2k a month won't get you to £5k a month.

What you did to get to £5k a month won't get you to $15k a month.

To make these leaps in income you need to be willing to make changes.

When I was first starting out I had a client who basically kept my business alive.

He was a good client at the time but there was one problem.

He was cheap.

He was always trying to get the lowest possible price on everything.

When I pitched him a new deal he complained.

"But I'm a loyal customer why should I pay more?".

In the end I chose to cut ties and replace him with a client who paid more.

As copywriters we can often feel guilty for getting rid of clients.

But honestly, we owe them nothing.

They'll find another copywriter.

You'll find a better client.

Sometimes you just need to cut ties and move upwards in your career.

3) Rejection isn't personal

This was a big one for me.

As a new copywriter you're going to be rejected.

There's literally no way around this.

But it's important you don't take this rejection personally.

You weren't rejected because you're a bad copywriter.

Maybe your pitch was bad.

Maybe you weren't a good fit.

Maybe the client was just cheap.

One rejection doesn't make you a bad copywriter unless you let it.

At the end of the day there are thousands of other businesses that would love to work with you.

Once you understand that rejection is just part of the process it becomes a new norm.

It's not the end of the world. Just find someone else to work with.

These three mindset changes have made a huge impact on the way I run my business.

I'm no longer affected by other people's opinions (unless I value them).

I understand you can't do the same thing to get to the next level.

I don't let rejection get in my way.

Now you can't make these mindset shifts overnight.

But work on them over time and you can change your whole perspective in a matter of months.

Have a great week.

- Copy Mav

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