Subject: 3 easy ways to improve your writing


People often ask me how they can improve their writing.

In fact, it's one of the most popular questions new copywriters have.

And understandably, right?

However simply searching this in Google can send you on a wild goose chase... A goose chase that won't always deliver the best results.

I've personally tested out many suggestions made by other copywriters.

Some have been pretty useless (*cough* cold showers *cough*) whilst others have made a huge different to the way I work.

With this in mind, here are the top 3 things I personally use to improve my own writing.

Write Less. Edit More

When you first start writing getting in the hours is important.

However, perfecting your writing will usually come down to your edits, not your first drafts.

Instead of writing 5 different sales letters, write one and edit it 5 times.

In general I'd advise taking a break before each edit and spreading the edits over a few days if deadlines allow you to.

Every time you come back to the work you'll come back with a fresh perspective and you'll also develop one of the most vital skills any copywriter can have: editing.

I promise you, I don't know a single copywriter who can write a perfect first draft.

Get good at editing and everything else will fall into place.

Work On Different Types of Writing

This was a tip I picked up after a year or so of writing.

Work on different types of writing throughout the day.

For example:

Write an email sequence in the morning, a landing page in the afternoon and finish the day with some editing.

While your conscious brain is working on one project your unconscious will come up with solutions to any previous problems you had.

Keep a notepad nearby and simply write down the ideas that come to your head.

I've found this strategy to be extremely effective for beating brain fog.

Instead of tirelessly looking at your screen, just move onto the next piece and come back to it later.

Remove Distractions

In the morning I complete my deep work.

I usually write more in these three hours than I do the rest of the day.


I remove all distractions.

My phone is locked in a drawer.

I turn off all notifications. (Especially emails)

I limit the number of tabs I have open.

I have a checklist of what I need to get done.

The only thing I focus on is the work on my screen and the tasks at hand.

This is by far the easiest advice to follow and advice that has huge ROI when applied.

If you can get your tasks that move the needle done before 12pm you're already ahead of most people.

Then you can use the remainder of your day however you want.

It's important to note that these tips will only work if you're consistent with them.

You're not going to become an expert writer after 5 edits.

You're not going to master a new routine in a week.

You're not going to avoid procrastination entirely.

However, the sooner you apply them the sooner you can enjoy the benefits.

P.S. It's the last week of Q1- hope you're on track to hit your goals.

- Copy Mav

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