Subject: 3 Reasons Your Products Are Rejected


When I first started copywriting my writing wasn't converting.

I'd spend hours on a landing page, just to find conversions didn't improve.

It was frustrating.

How could I charge clients big money if I couldn't guarantee results?

Then I learnt WHY customers reject a product.

There are 3 main reasons.

  1. The product sounds too complex

  2. The basic appeal doesn't isn't attracting a big enough market

  3. The product is perceived as costing too much

If your copy isn't converting, it's likely due to one of these reasons.

If not all of them.

Here's how you can change that.

Simplify Your Solution

Your product/ service should make it as easy as possible to get from A to Z.

Don't write steps B-Y in your copy. Make the solution simple.

Selling PT services?

Talk about the amazing results your client can achieve.

Not the 1000's of reps they have to do to get there.

Enhance The Products Appeal

Most products are boring in their basic form.

It's the results that make them exciting.

However, some results are more desirable than others.

Take a garlic press for example. In its basic form, it's dull.

You put the garlic in, it comes out grated.

The appeal here is small.

Instead, focus on a bigger appeal:

"Save hours of time at the chopping board"

Nobody wants to spend hours cutting food.

Everyone wants to save time.

A garlic press is their solution.

Switch The Comparison

Instead of comparing your product to your competitors, compare it to something more expensive.

Make your product appear cheap.

Sell clothes? You're a more affordable version of Louis Vuitton

Sell watches? You're a more affordable version of Rolex.

By switching the comparison, you switch the perspective.

This little change will make all the difference.

Understanding these rejections had a huge impact on my copy.

Find out what rejection you're experiencing and tailor your writing towards that.

Have a productive week - keep learning,

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