Subject: Integrity


Bonjour Friend,

Integrity is a virtue that means keeping your word, being honest and trustworthy. Integrity also helps you stay true to who you are as a person no matter what happens in life so that people can count on us for our commitments even when things get tough or if there are obstacles putting up barriers between ourselves.

Be yourself authentically, keep your words and recommit to a new agreement as soon as you know that you cannot or will not follow through on what's being promised.

Talk is cheap? Talk meaningfully! Get clarity on what matters most.

We should always practice integrity because it brings freedom from constraint which enables service within one’s self-defined limits.

Practicing integrity becomes a habit- then part of the character which brings freedom into one's life through self-mastery while also bringing grace out when dealing with other people; it is how we become better versions of ourselves.

But don't take my word for it! Look within and see how it applies to your own commitments toward others or yourself.

Stay tuned for a follow-up message with an easy, yet powerful exercise that will help you practice integrity.

Our next workshop “Empath, Gift or Curse?” will also bring closure on why it is often difficult to align our actions with our words… View details here >>

Be well, and remember that all you have is Now!

Much love, Fabienne

PS: Please share with your friends so more like-minded lightworkers can transform our world for the best. 🦄

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