Subject: Faith Vs. Worries


Faith Vs. Worries


As a parent, children, companions, society members, we have many occasions to worry about our loved ones. But when we do worry, we only increase the energy that feeds the cause of our concerns. Transcendence will only occur when we show the universe that we trust its healing loving power.

We need to transform fear and despair replacing them with faith, love, compassion, and inner peace.

In our next workshop and my Stress-Free Breakthrough Program, we will experience such a transcendence using healing powerful tools to re-program the mind and update your cells memories at the core of our body, mind, and soul.

But first, you have to claim your inner power to make the changes that you desire to see within yourself first, then in the world as the extension of your intent and actions, according to the paradigms of new possibilities.

Please accept my support by reaching out and taking advantage of the 1:1 Heart Soul Therapy healing and self-actualization Soul Alchemy Workshops.

Simply contact me by text at 1 (949) 294-9893

Expect miracles, I believe in you! 💜💖💛


PS: Our next workshop is on Saturday, January 8th, at Awakenings, Laguna Hills from 12 pm to 3 pm

  "What's next for Me, 2022? workshop and I would love to have you participate of course. We will experience profound healing from past challenges and plan the new year connecting with your higher-self guidance.

You can register below and reverse worries into Faith.

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