Subject: Exercises to practice "Integrity"

Exercises to Practice Integrity

Bonjour Friend,

Yesterday, I promised to share an easy, yet powerful exercise that will help you practice integrity so it becomes a habit- then reshape part of your character.

Through self-mastery of integrity, you will not only improve your communications when dealing with other people but also your self-esteem.

So I decided to share with you not 1 but 2 exercises to practice integrity. Just follow the steps and please share with me your discoveries.

First exercise:

-        Write a letter to someone that you remember you haven’t shown your best self. It can be with someone that is passed on.

-        That integrity letter can be shared or kept for yourself. If you feel bold and courageous, share the letter with the person that the letter is destined.

- Another option if not possible to share the letter directly with the destined person concerned, is to share with your counselor or a close friend that you trust for keeping your story safe and unjudged.

Second exercise:

1. Promise yourself something

2. Follow through on your promise

3. Hold yourself accountable

4. Celebrate your success!

We will be practicing more tools in our next workshop “Empath, Gift or Curse?” Saturday 1/29/2022 at Awakenings, Laguna Hills Ca

Be well, and remember that all you have is Now!

Much love, Fabienne

PS: Please share with your friends so more like-minded lightworkers can transform our world for the best. 🦄

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