Subject: Empath Vs. Highly Sensitive

Empath Vs. Highly Sensitive


When I wrote the description of the "Empath, Gift or Curse? workshop" I emphasize the benefits of the class which are:
- Understanding the difference between being an empath, and being highly sensitive.

- Techniques to protect yourself from negative emotions and visions, to name only a few.

But the truth is, that we are never 100% highly sensitive or empathetic. We are both at different times, which can make us feel confused and vulnerable.

Confused because being empathetic is supposed to make us care with compassion without judgment the pain and challenges of others. But being also highly sensitive makes us unable to discern sometimes what belongs to us, and what does not. When feeling unloved, not understood, not important to the eyes of our loved ones, the pain, and suffering are amplified within our deep self. 

I often experience, a need to feel loved in a way that resonates with me. Each one of us needs is different. Every time spike of frustration, anger, or sadness emerges from a feeling of abandonment, emotional disconnection, or criticism is in fact an automatic response caused by an uncontrollable cortisol surge. 

We become victims of our own highly sensitive minds. The "Empath Gift" becomes a "Curse".

Our next Soul Alchemy event leads to more awareness when negative triggers are taking over, and teaches daily practices that are useful to protect yourself and others from the side effects of extreme sensitivity. 

Being human is a challenge on its own, but being an empath is a gift that does not have to become a curse with the right guidance, self-awareness, and courage.

Courage because of the need to practice daily clearing routine and taking responsibility for the part that is choice of free will. 

To remain empowered and supported after the Soul Alchemy classes and retreats, I recommend taking advantage of the online programs, 1:1 Life Regression, and Soul Retrieving that are including energy restitution.  Heart Soul Therapy Program offers everything needed to accomplish a deep understanding of whom you are and what is expected from the manifestation of your joyful, successful  Destiny.

Believe in the power of your Soul Alchemy healing ability and transform mistakes and challenges into opportunities for growth. Life is good!

See the next Soul Alchemy invitation below...

Much love, Fabienne

PS: Please share with your friends so more like-minded lightworkers can transform our world for the best. 🦄

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