Subject: One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance - International Day of Peace

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Good day,

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the U.N. International Day of Peace.

In the spirit of this day, we are sharing our One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance herein.

This is intended to be a daily meditation throughout the rest of the year and beyond.

The Shared Intention for the One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance

I AM the One Heart, and in this Heart, there is no division—only the truth that we are each other.

I AM unity. I AM the space where division dissolves, for in my Heart, there is no separation between myself and others. I AM the understanding that we are all one, connected by love, compassion, and wisdom. My Heart does not take sides, for it recognize the illusion of duality. I AM the truth that transcends labels of religion, culture, ideas, and politics. I see through the lens of fairness and compassion, embracing both the personal and the collective in harmony.

I AM the universal Heartbeat, the eternal Spirit that unites all beings. I AM infinite awareness, infinite love, and in that knowing, I AM whole. I recognize the Oneness of all life, and in that recognition, I move from a place of connection and peace. I AM not separate from the world; I AM the world, the Light and Expression of Love that unites all things.
Foundation of One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve held the intention of creating this concordance, knowing that more than half the world’s population, across over 60 countries, will be holding national elections in 2024. With roughly two billion eligible voters, this is set to be the largest election year in history—also the largest stage for those who seek to divide us for personal gain.

My good friend John Steiner also encouraged me to start this project earlier in the year, but my own internal struggles with the extreme division in the world made it difficult to finalize the development of this Concordance. It wasn’t a sense of division with my fellow humans, regardless of their differing views, but rather with the nefarious and dominating forces seemingly intent on fueling this division.
The breakthrough that allowed me to finally produce this Concordance came compliments of David Icke and his phenomenal new release, “The Reveal”…highly recommended.

Knowing David as well as I do through his many writings over the last 30 years, I am sure he won’t mind me sharing this beautiful and touching excerpt, from the final chapter of The Reveal, “The Heart of the Matter”:

"Moving our point of reference and self-identity from head and belly to the heart is how we sort out this mess. How could that not be the case when the whole insanity is the result of our reference point and identity moving the other way? You cannot divide and rule a heart that knows we're all one. The heart does not take sides, as in taking a stance purely for religious, political, or cultural reasons. It has no religion, politics, or culture. Love and wisdom speak their own truth, not someone else's. They perceive life through the filter of fairness, justice, compassion, and understanding.

They see the injustice of Hamas operatives attacking Israeli civilians, and they see the injustice of Israel's response against the innocents in Gaza. Love and wisdom don't pick a side because they are Jewish or Palestinian; they say what they believe to be right, no matter the side. They have no nationality, no cultural or religious program to defend and advance. They see the never-ending insanity of meeting violence with violence, and more violence with more violence. An eye for an eye does make the whole world blind.
Love and wisdom shake their symbolic head and say, 'But you are each other; why are you fighting?'

The heart knows that we are living a manipulated illusion. It can see through the lies, the bullshit, the divide and rule. It is the point of reference that gives perspective to everything.

Who are we? We are infinite awareness, infinite spirit, and the heart is our connection to this true "I".
Try it for a while and see where it goes.

The heart is where our infinite self resides. It is where we find wisdom that the head alone is denied in its perspective-deleted bewilderment.

Focus on that heart center as you. Everything else is detail and illusion.

Hello, nice to meet you. Who are you?

I am my heart. I am the spirit that is my heart."
My 3-D Research, Assessment, and Solution in Preparation for this Concordance.

Extreme political polarization is driven by a few things. First off, the media landscape has changed a lot—social media, cable news, and talk radio have created echo chambers where people mostly hear what they already believe. Over time, political parties have also become more ideologically "pure," pushing people to extremes. Economic inequality has widened, making people more anxious and reactive. Demographic shifts, like increasing diversity, can create tension, and gerrymandering in the U.S. has allowed politicians to dig in their heels. Civic engagement has gone down too—fewer people are involved in the community, which leads to more isolation. Finally, political campaigns use fear and anger to rally support, making it even worse.

All these factors evolved for reasons like technological shifts, profit-driven media, special-interest-driven policies, political strategy, and larger societal trends. Social media algorithms prioritize sensational content and division, political realignment has made both parties more extreme, and economic policies too often favor the wealthy. Demographic changes, combined with cultural shifts, make more and more people feel like they’re losing their influence. Gerrymandering takes advantage of advanced data, and negative campaigning works well enough that politicians keep using it.

So, how do we fix this? It’s not easy, but there’s hope. Media literacy is key—if people can see through the deliberate manipulations and nonsense, they can start thinking for themselves. Bipartisanship must be encouraged, and reforms like ranked-choice voting could help moderate things. Addressing economic inequality through progressive policies is another big one. We also need inclusive policies that bridge the cultural divide. Civic engagement should be revitalized through local projects that get people working together. Technology and media should be harnessed for good by promoting diverse viewpoints and fostering constructive dialogue.

And now, here’s the heart of the solution: We need to realize that we’re all connected. This isn’t about picking a side—it's about seeing beyond labels like political party, religion, ideology or nationality. We’re all human, and we all deserve fairness, justice, compassion, and understanding. Let’s shift our perspective from the head to the heart. In that space, there’s no division—just a shared sense of unity and peace. 

That’s where our true power is, and it’s what will guide us forward, together.

Notable Quotes:

“So do vote, just don’t join a cult”

“Be against division, not the divided.”

All the best,
Joseph Giove and the Common Passion Core Team

, PO Box 2504, San Francisco, CA 94126, United States
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