Good day,
Half the population is devastated; half is elated. That's how political polarization works.
Fortunately, we are more than our politics.
In the spirit of unity and harmony, we offer again our
One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance:
This is intended to be a daily meditation throughout the
rest of the year and beyond.
Shared Intention for the One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance
I AM the One Heart, and in this Heart, there is no
division—only the truth that we are each other.
I AM unity. I AM the space where division dissolves, for in
my Heart, there is no separation between myself and others. I AM the
understanding that we are all one, connected by love, compassion, and wisdom. My
Heart does not take sides, for it recognize the illusion of duality. I AM the
truth that transcends labels of religion, culture, ideas, and politics. I see
through the lens of fairness and compassion, embracing both the personal and
the collective in harmony.
I AM the universal Heartbeat, the eternal Spirit that unites
all beings. I AM infinite awareness, infinite love, and in that knowing, I AM
whole. I recognize the Oneness of all life, and in that recognition, I move
from a place of connection and peace. I AM not separate from the world; I AM
the world, the Light and Expression of Love that unites all things.
All the best, Joseph Giove and the Common Passion Core Team