Subject: Time to write your success story

Hey Friend,

First off, I want to tell you this...

If you model successful marketers, if you do what they do, read their blogs, emails, their books (if they have any out), or watch their videos, it's just a matter of time before it starts to ooze from you...

It's infectious.

You can't help but gravitate towards people who are where you want to be.

That's what I did when starting out.

And I can tell you from experience that tasting success early propelled me headlong into learning everything I could.

I spent hours upon hours testing everything I learned.

Some worked; others didn't.

The ones that did, I focused my efforts on, and they have paid off extremely well.

This is my focus right now

===> Click Here

So, as you start your journey with me, I'll be your guide, your "sherpa" up the steep mountain of Internet Marketing with the confidence that you will get to the top, some way, some how.

It will be an interesting journey.

I'm looking forward to helping you as much as you're looking forward to becoming very successful.

Just look out for my emails as they will contain good stuff you don't want to miss.

Catch up soon.

Lionel Brehaut

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