Subject: En dag för din lycka och harmoni

En dag för din lycka och harmoni

March 30th, 2015 at 8:54 pm CEST

Vad är lycka för dig?... Hur kan man vända sina motgångar till att bli starka tillgångar? Så här i påskveckan tänker ...

Nu kör vi igång :-)

March 22nd, 2015 at 9:15 pm CEST

Hej Vänner! Har precis släppt biljetterna till min internet-konsert "Live i Vardagsrummet" som går av stapeln torsdagen 16 april kl.20.00 ! Få reda på mer genom att Klicka här :-) Det kommer att bli en mysig, nära upplevelse från vardagsrum ...

RE: Sista Heldagen i Ljustemplet 2015

March 18th, 2015 at 5:35 pm CEST

Hej! Många har hört av sig om att de ej kan öppna nyhetsbrev-utskicket om sista Heldagen i Ljustemplet. Så jag skickar det igen i vanlig textform :-) Välkommen till den sista heldagen jag kommer att ha i mitt Ljustempel innan jag flyttar. En s ...

Manifestation Miracle!

March 7th, 2015 at 9:20 pm CEST

Hi Friend, Take a look at this video from my friend Heather. She has overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles to live her dream life, inspiring others, traveling, attracting wealth, a great relationship and being happy. Watch this video, be inspir ...

Re: Sista Ljuskvällarna nånsin i Ljustemplet

February 26th, 2015 at 2:30 pm CEST

Välkommen på Ljuskvällar 5 12 Mars! ...

Sista Ljuskvällarna nånsin i Ljustemplet

February 17th, 2015 at 3:45 pm CEST

Välkommen på Ljuskvällar 5 12 Mars! ...

Happy Valentines Day!

February 14th, 2015 at 10:09 pm CEST

Friend, Happy Valentines' Day to you and your loved ones! Whatever this day means to you, I wish you all the love that life can bring. -------(---@ Wishing you absolute abundance, happiness and health! Thomas Di Leva

Happy Valentines Day!

February 14th, 2015 at 10:06 pm CEST

Friend, Happy Valentines' Day to you and your loved ones... Whatever this day means to you, I wish you all the love that life can bring. -------(---@ Also a reminder that for 24 hours more, you can download the entire Zenmind Affirmations Program f ...

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity…

February 13th, 2015 at 6:21 pm CEST

Friend, For a very limited time you can download the entire Zenmind Affirmations Program for just $1... Click Here To Find Out More. Wishing you absolute abundance, happiness and health! Thomas Di Leva

HUNDREDS OF FREE Ways To Escape The Dream Stealers

January 20th, 2015 at 7:16 pm CEST

Hi Friend], You CAN escape the dream stealers... As 2015 is now in full swing, don't neglect the most important thing in life: YOU!!! It's time to internalize ourselves and take charge by getting stronger, growing from the inside out and making a dif ...