Subject: Watch This Incredible New Movie For Free!

Hi Friend,

As some of you may have heard, there's a new movie out called iTHINK: Change Your Perception, Change Your Life, created by my friends at AVAIYA, A Leader in Positive Media.

And the best part is, you can watch it for FREE right now:

Click Here To Watch the iThink Movie

AVAIYA is the creator of several films including The Tao of Quantum Physics, Leap! A Quantum Awakening, The Gratitude Effect, A Course in Miracles The Movie, and more. In the iTHINK movie, Founders of AVAIYA, iKE ALLEN and Ande Anderson, MS, RD, reveal revolutionary techniques to help you Erase your Limiting Beliefs and Manifest True Abundance.

AVAIYA interviewed some of the most respected thought leaders, visionaries, and experts on the topic of how our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions actually manifest into the experiences in our lives, and answer questions like…

“How can we never worry about money again?”

“How can we train our minds to achieve the Wealth, Health, Love & Happiness we desire?”

“How can we unearth the disempowering thought patterns that sabotage our lives?”

“How can we permanently remove the blocks we have to Abundance?”

Check out the amazing people featured in this film!

Bob Proctor,

Mike Dooley,

Mary Morrissey,

Eldon Taylor,

Andy Dooley,

Joe Vitale,

Andrea Vahl,

Sonia Barrett,

Cassandra Vieten,

...and more!

This is a great lineup, don’t you think? (-:

During their interviews, these amazing leaders were asked to share their GREATEST tips on how to be manifest True Abundance in life. The answers will amaze you!

In the iTHINK film, you will explore:

· How what you THINK affects HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE, your relationships, your WEIGHT, your love life, your health...EVERYTHING!
· How to DISSOLVE the limiting beliefs that keep you from an amazing QUALITY OF LIFE
· How to be the BEST VERSION of you, you can be and CONFIDENTLY show others how you did it
· How to unearth DISEMPOWERING thoughts & replace them with EMPOWERING thoughts
· How to turn your AVERAGE DAY into your PERFECT DAY!
· ...And much, much more!

So here's the scoop:

AVAIYA is letting you watch this brand new movie for FREE right now... 

iTHINK that’s a pretty great deal, don’t you?

If you want to remove the blocks to your Abundance & Happiness, and finally get all you want and deserve in your life, iTHINK is the movie to watch, and I’m so excited to offer you this VIP opportunity!

Watch it now: 

Wishing you absolute abundance,
happiness and health!

Thomas Di Leva, Creator of Zenmind Affirmations

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