Subject: This universal energy source is the key.

Dear Friend,

I wanted to share an interesting video with you today 
by my friend Stephanie Mulac.

Stephanie has been a leader in self-healing and 
personal growth for over 20 years.

And this video is a culmination of her entire life’s work.

In it, she shares some REALLY interesting stuff about
“energy pathways” in our bodies.
financial health, our relationship health, and our 
physical health.

And each one is interconnected.

It’s truly fascinating stuff.

Take the “weird” foot massage I mentioned…

Apparently, the body is connected to the foot in 
hundreds of ways, so taking better care of your 
feet can make you feel healthier, more grounded, 
and more secure in yourself.

She calls this the “root” pathway, but there are 6 
more that deal with everything from relationships 
and sex, to actually increasing your intuition and 
personal power.

It’s well worth the watch

Love & Light,

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