Subject: The Secret to “True Wealth”

Dear Friend, 

True wealth isn’t just about how much 
money you have in your bank account… 

It’s about the FREEDOM you have in your life… 

Freedom to do WHAT you want…
WHEN you want… And with WHOM you want… 

Without having to answer to anybody. 

If you want to attract THAT kind of wealth… 

Bestselling author Heather Jackson went 
from having less than $10 in her bank account…
To being able to travel whenever she wants… 

Working with amazing and inspiring thought leaders… 

With all the money she needs to live life on her own terms… 

It’s all due to this one discovery she calls 
“The Universal Wave” 

Which showed her how to tap into a little-known 
quirk in the way the Universe works… 

To launch her to levels of success she’d never been 
able to achieve before. 

In this video, she tells you exactly how 
the Universal Wave works… 

And how to apply it to your life to achieve 
true wealth and absolute freedom. 

Your friend, 

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