Subject: Friend, Something BIG Happens Now!

It's a go, Friend! Just Unveiled :)

My friends, Rev. Anne Presuel & Sherry Bowers have just released a fabulous joint venture giveaway, one that is specifically geared for spiritual entrepreneurs (coaches, intuitives, holistic therapists, energy therapists, healers (of all kinds!), alternative practitioners, etc.). You know who you are.

This giveaway is given BY and FOR people just like you!

Go Here and Download Tons Of Gifts...

Simply sign up and you will get HUNDREDS of FR*EE gifts! Gifts like

- ebooks
- audio trainings
- audio meditations
- video trainings
- checklists
- assessments
- programs
- healing sessions
- intuitive sessions
- and so much more!

Where did all these goodies come from?

Anne & Sherry have invited in a whole bunch of top-level spiritual entrepreneurs to give you a whole BUNCH of fr*ee products and services at no cost to you.

It is our way of saying "Thank You!" Thank you for being in my world. Thank you for sharing yourself with me. Thank you for sharing yourself with your world.

These products are worth thousands and thousands of dollars and you get them for fr*ee!

I'm so excited to be a part of it.

Go get your goodies now! They are waiting for you.


Thomas Di Leva

p.s. By the way, when you do go, there are two pages of very low-cost offerings by Anne and Sherry, the hosts of this giveaway. If you aren't interested, no worries. Just click "no thank you" and you'll be taken to ALL of the fr*ee gifts!


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