Subject: 5 Tips for Intuitive Healing


Give these 5 healing tips a try. 
My hope is that they will bring you the life 
energy, joy and clarity you've been 
searching for.

Step 1: See" Your Beliefs 
Your beliefs set the stage for healing. 
Positive attitudes stimulate growth. 
Negative attitudes will stop it. 

It's important to rid yourself of
counterproductive beliefs that you may not
even realize you have. Just focus on the
life-enhancing ones, and you'll gradually
create optimal wellness.

Step 2: Be Fully Present In Your Body 
Your body is a complex and sensitive intuitive
receiver. Body Awareness Opens Intuition.
Which in turn will make you more aware of
early warning signs your body sends. 

This gives you a head-start on preventing
illness, choosing healthy relationships, and
bypassing destructive situations.

Step 3: Feel Your Body's Subtle Energy 
Our bodies are not just material, but also of
subtle energy. The yogis call it prana" a
universal life force which penetrates the
body and extends many feet beyond it. 

From an intuitive point of view, these vibrantly
colored energy fields, whose centers are
called chakras have a significant effect on
our health. 

For that reason, it is important that we learn 
to feel this energy within us, recognise when 
it is blocked", and practice to correct the 

Learning to tap into your body's energy is healing.

Step 4: Remember Your Dreams Dreams 
provide answers about health, relationships, 
career choices, any new direction. The secret 
is to remember them. 

I suggest keeping a dream journal by your bed. 
Before you go to sleep, ask a dream a question. 
The next morning, write down any dreams 
immediately before getting out of bed. 

Try repeating the question, every night for 7 days 
until your answer comes. As you strengthen your 
power of remembering dreams, you'll be able to
benefit from this form of healing.

Step 5: Listen to Your Inner Voice 
We each possess an intuitive voice that 
contains answers about our healing. 

Spend a few minutes each day devoted to 
listening to this voice. It may appear as a gut 
feeling, a dream, a sound, a memory, an 
instant knowing like a lightning in the sky. 
Learn to trust the signals your inner wisdom

Watch This Free Video 
about how to develop your inner healing powers 
click the link below:

Love and Light!
Thomas Di Leva


Mantra Heaven

My Facebook Page


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