Are you a Negative Nellie?
"As long as you see dating as a chore you are going to hate it."
That was something I read from another relationship coach I'm friends with.
I was struck by the statement.
Dating is just like anything else!
If you hate it, it hates you back and it shows in your past, present and future.
When you say, "I hate this or that..." you put that energy out there, and it's negative.
When you put out energy that is negative, people feel it.
It's called your vibe.
I talk about it a lot. It is the almost immeasurable and certainly invisible energetic frequency that we put out to others.
Think about it…Do you attract the same kind of man over and over? Do you have the same problems with every relationship in your life?
Do you keep getting hurt the same way time after time?
Look at the chart below.
Science shows us that everything is made up of energy and has a frequency. These are energetic measurements of some common emotions. Where do you fit in? |