The doctors in our exclusive Premier Network are known for providing exceptional service to commercial drivers.
They’re growing their practices by leaps and bounds.
80,000+ DOT industry visitors to monthly.
200-300 DOT physical exams we do in our small private practice monthly.
50-625 Leads per month for long-time Premier Network members.
21-54 Leads per month our new Premier Network members are seeing.
1-2 The number of DOT exams, you need from leads, to start profiting.
200-300 DOT Physical Exams A Month
We see around 300 DOT physical patients in our Salt Lake City office every month. We share 10+ years experience to help you build a DOT physical exam practice. Click here to find out just how we do that... and how other doctors in our exclusive marketing network do the same.
If you're a doctor in private practice, or in a small physician network... We're accepting a limited number of new doctors in .
Membership is exclusive and by invitation only.
If... you're in a position to accept a lot of new patients, and you're serious about creating sustainable growth in your practice; If... you're committed to marketing your unique brand of service rather than just throwing money at advertising and hoping something will work; Then... we invite you to join our network of DOTPhysicalDOCTORS. Click here to get started now for just $49.PREMIER PLAN membership details, benefits, and registration.Our success is a service to others.