Subject: CMEs: How To Grow Your Practice Without Having To 'Sell' Anything

CMEs: How To Grow Your Practice
Without Having To "Sell" Anything

We take a look at...
The Secret Sauce, for YOU and YOUR STAFF.

NEW PATIENTS are key to the success of your Practice.

And the need for new patients equates to selling!
For most doctors, the thought of “selling” really sucks!
That’s why the majority continue to struggle in mediocrity.

Very few are wildly successful.
If some successful doctors are not "selling", then how the heck do they do it?

Save this email if you don't have time to read it now.
The enclosed article has a step-by-step plan for your office.

This is Dr. Kenn and Susan Seals back with you.

In our previous two emails we looked at:
  • The advantages of not competing with the ‘big’ boys, and how to get a bigger piece of the pie. If you missed that article… click here.   (Your access password is: MorePie)
  • The advantages of price / value positioning, and why it's a bad idea to compete on price. If you missed that article... click here.   (Your access password is: ChargeMore)

Today, we take a look at the Challenges of Growing Your Practice.

You’re in private practice. So that means you can’t focus only on being a DOCTOR.

If you want to have a successful practice, you have to also focus on being a BUSINESS BUILDER.

We’ve come full circle to our discussion in the first email letter.

  • Just because you’re a doctor, new patients don’t just walk through your door.
  • Just because you became a CME, drivers don't just walk through your door.
  • Trying to compete with the big boys doesn't work. (Now you know you don’t have to.)
  • Trying to have the lowest price doesn't work. (Now you know you don’t have to.)

NEW PATIENTS are key to the success of your business.

And the need for new patients equates to “selling”!
For most doctors, that thought really sucks!

It’s the abhorrence of selling that causes you to subconsciously abdicate your business building responsibility.

NO Selling = NO Patients = NO Money

You try advertising hoping that ‘it’ will work. (Like throwing mud against a wall hoping some will stick.)

You start an office website hoping that ‘it’ will work. (Like a can of worms, or worse, an empty can.)

You suggest to your front office staff, that they suggest to your patients, that they suggest to their friends and family, to refer you. (Like a chain of weak links.)

‘IT’ doesn’t work! At least not very well.

So how do you grow your business, without selling?


The Secret Sauce is in a single word ~ WAY ~
This is where the value comes from… and it can be fun!

The way you go about what you do, encompasses little things that can make a big difference, that can change your business forever.

If you focus on doing what you do in a way that's genuinely valuable and helpful to your prospective patients, you won't even have to try to sell them because they'll find you and beat a pathway to your door.

Remember Your Passion

Money is a measurement of success.

Passion is something that provides the continual enthusiasm, focus, and energy you need to succeed.

Pursue your passion, and money will follow.

Remember the passion of your dream of becoming a doctor. The passion you felt about helping people. The lifestyle you dreamed of creating for yourself and your family.

That passion is your distinctive secret sauce, that you can bring to the way you deliver your service.
I had an appointment elsewhere, but after reading reviews from other drivers on the internet, I decided to come here, instead of going to someplace that doesn't understand drivers at all. I had a great experience and will tell others about it too.

~ Chris C, Draper, UT
The WHAT you deliver is a commodity.

It's the WAY you deliver, that's critical to your success.

In this email we've touched on How To Grow Your Practice Without Having To Sell Anything.

When you infuse your unique secret sauce into your office, into everything YOU and YOUR STAFF say and do, you don’t have to ‘sell’ anything.

We've listed 25 perspectives to give you ideas that you and your staff can start to implement in your office right away. Go to this link to read the article.

The article is confidential and password protected.
Please do not share this link with anyone.
Your access password is: SecretSauce (case sensitive)

We work with private practice physicians and their staff to integrate that secret sauce into their day-to-day business.
That’s what our “marketing-with-you” service is all about.

If you’re committed to marketing your own brand of secret sauce to build your practice…
Consider joining DOTPhysicalDOCTORS and let us help you with our “marketing-with-you” service.

Our success is a service to others.
Dr. Kenn & Susan Seals
Driver Friendly™ DOT Physical Locations

P.S. Our Premier Plan is for private practice physicians only.

If you’re serious about helping more drivers, and growing your practice…
If you’re committed to marketing your own special brand of secret sauce…
Consider joining DOTPhysicalDOCTORS and let us help you with our “marketing-with-you” service.

P.P.S. Membership in our Premier Network of DOTPhysicalDOCTORS is by invitation only. Consider this email your invitation.

Because we offer a personalized “marketing-with-you” service,
we offer a limited number of new memberships.

Our current enrollment period opened on Monday, November 24th.
Enrollment will close on Monday, December 22nd.
(Or before - When we reach our limit of 50 new members.)

P.P.P.S. January is just around the corner. Not only is it the busiest month of the year for DOT physicals, but it’s the snowball that will keep the referrals rolling in for the rest of the year - without having to “sell” anything!
Learn all you need to get started now.
DOTPhysicalDOCTORS, P.O. Box 271113, Salt Lake City, Utah 84127, United States
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