Subject: The masterclass starts in 3 hours

Dear Friend

A short while until the Coven doors open once again. The clan of women, hungry to claim their desires, their power, and willing to step in the face of (perceived) adversity to gain insight, wisdom and healing. 

Knowing it is YOUR time. 

A few things before we meet in Zoom on Tue 24 March 8pm EST
through this link 
Join URL:

You all have your Claim My desire (CMD) cheat sheets now. 

Either print them out so you can write on them, or have a journal ready to answer a few simple questions as we go. 

Don't worry, it will only take a few minutes to establish the baseline for each of you to springboard from.

PLEASE read these and be familiar with all its content before our class starts. I want to pack as much as I can in for each of you in 2 hours, and this doesn't include reading time. 

The random number selector has given me which three women I will spend extra time with, based on the order in which you registered. 

Let's keep the mystery of who they are until the class...

However, I will be spending some time with EACH of you to cut straight to the point on where you are at and why. This alone could be worth gold to you. 
See you soon. 

The cauldron, oh, I mean kettle, is on.....

Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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