Subject: In-House vs. Agency Marketing: Which Is the Best?

In-House vs. Agency Marketing: Which Is the Best?

March 2nd, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserChoosing between in-house and agency marketing is a critical decision for business owners. Although marketing revolves around theoretical and practical ideas, today’s most striking trend about marketing is its role wi ...

Need a Learning Management System to make onboarding and sustaining new skills easier?

February 23rd, 2023 at 7:00 pm PDT

Hi Friend,  Are you struggling to set up a hybrid workplace?   You are not alone.   Motivating, teaching and retaining skills without a face-to-face workplace requires a completely new set of technology and skills. Companies will succeed only ...

What do you know about Data Visualization?

February 23rd, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserIn today's world, data reigns supreme. Data, in all its bits and pieces, provides businesses with valuable information today. In order to make informed decisions , data needs to be collected, analyzed, and presented. Vi ...

Creating an Intelligent Intranet Doesn’t need to be hard...

February 16th, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserCreating an intranet can be a daunting task for anyone, but if you're not into technology, it can be even more difficult.  With Microsoft SharePoint, you can create intranet sites for your organization with a variety o ...

Need a Learning Management System to make onboarding and sustaining new skills easier?

February 15th, 2023 at 6:04 pm PDT

Hi Friend,  Are you struggling to set up a hybrid workplace?   You are not alone.   Motivating, teaching and retaining skills without a face-to-face workplace requires a completely new set of technology and skills. Companies will succeed only ...

ClinkIT Weekly Newsletter - Feb 9

February 9th, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserIt’s challenging to stand out in a competitive world today... and it’s getting harder.   By 2025, 85 million people will lose their jobs. Daily life will also be dominated by automation.   The benefits of having ...

Top 8 Reasons to Use Power BI for Your Data

February 2nd, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserWant to learn the best way to manage your data?  There are so many ways to manage data, but one strategy stands out. Visualization is a powerful tool for understanding data. It helps users make sense of their data and ...

The Complete Guide to Microsoft Power BI in 2023

January 26th, 2023 at 12:30 am PDT

View This Email in Your BrowserDo you want to extract useful, actionable insights from your data?  Modern businesses rely heavily on data, and we’re generating more of it daily than ever before. Even if organizations accumulate mountains of digit ...

Thank you for attending SharePoint for Your Business Webinar

January 22nd, 2023 at 10:41 pm PDT

Thank you for attending the webinar entitled “SharePoint for your Business: Shift to SharePoint. Scale Your Operations. Secure Your Data”. We hope that you found the presentation informative and helpful. We had a blast, and we hope you did too!  ...

Missed the SharePoint for Your Business Webinar?

January 22nd, 2023 at 10:40 pm PDT

We’re sorry that you were unable to attend the webinar. We want to let you know that a recorded version of the webinar is now accessible. You can view this by accessing this link: Stay tuned fo ...