Subject: Unlock the Power of Self-Advocacy with a Brag Sheet!

Hi Friend,

As a busy business owner, you’re always on the move—driving growth, leading your team, and overcoming challenges. But in the midst of all that hustle, are you taking the time to recognize and track your own achievements? 

If not, you might be missing out on a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth: the brag sheet

We just published a new blog article, "How to Create a Brag Sheet and Why You Should", and we think you’ll find it incredibly helpful. In it, we break down the why and how of creating a brag sheet, showing you how to track your wins, big and small, and use them to boost your confidence, prepare for important business milestones, and ultimately grow your business. 

What You’ll Learn: 

  • Why a brag sheet is essential for business owners 

  • How to easily create your own brag sheet 

  • Practical tips for tracking personal and business growth 

  • A simple template to help you get started 

Don’t miss out on this actionable guide to help you recognize your hard work and advocate for yourself in your business. 


Take a few minutes to read this post—you’ll be amazed at the difference a brag sheet can make! 

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Sincerely yours, 

ClinkIT Team