Subject: Cyber-Attack Alert!


Hi Friend, 


When was the last time you gave your cyber safety a thought?  


Let’s start with a simple thought. Imagine forgetting, or maybe choosing not to renew your laptop’s anti-virus software.  


And then the unthinkable happened, your laptop started acting strangely. Unidentified files appearing randomly in your folders. Your settings changing by itself. Your documents are corrupted and inaccessible. Your work which you’ve spent late nights on, gone! Your laptop just died, and this causes delay in your work, your company, and your clients.  


And we’re talking about a single laptop.  


Think about how it may be for an entire company. More than an anti-virus software, it requires an entire plan to ensure cyber security.  


It can be likened to your company building. Of course, no one can just walk in and wander around your office. Employees are required to have identification, and they log in when they enter the premises.  Visitors must go through the security personnel, the receptionist, sometimes even be escorted to the specific office they intend to go. Security cameras are on 24/7 monitoring the activities in the building.  


In this digital age, most if not all office buildings have virtual counterparts. You need to secure them too, because the risks are as high as when you allow your physical buildings to be left unsecured, and possibly even higher.  


We’re talking about the following risks: 

  • Operational Risk: it’s when the cyber-attack hinders you to perform your business processes. 

  • Reputational Risk: losing the trust of your customers, employees, and suppliers because of a cyber-attack. 

  • Legal Risk: there’s such a thing as getting sued for not being able to prove ‘Due Care’ was taken to secure confidential data. 

  • Compliance Risk: there are domestic and international laws that a business must follow with regards to securing customer data.  


Read more about Risk and Cybersecurity especially in the time of COVID-19.  

Read Article

Be informed on what cyber threats look like and how you can protect yourself and your business from it.  

Learn More

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